Academic Resources Awareness Week

Save the Date! ARAW 2024 will take place October 21-25. More details coming soon!
Academic Resources Awareness Week (ARAW) is an annual event every fall semester. The goal of ARAW, a signature CLASS event, is to make students aware of all the free on-campus academic resources available to them and normalize their use. From peer tutoring and help centers to academic coaching, ZSR research sessions, and and more, Wake Forest offers a multitude of academic resources to help students along their learning journey. Students are encouraged to check out some or all of the great events planned every year.
Each day, ARAW will feature a campus resource who can help you along your WFU academic journey!
Mon 10/21: ZSR Day
11am – 4pm, tabling in ZSR – lots of swag and giveaways
Tues 10/22: Information Systems Day
10am-2pm, Tribble Courtyard – Technology Do’s and Donuts
Wed 10/23: Academic Coaching Day
3:30pm-5pm, main quad just outside the CLASS office – CLASS Cafe with live owls and the WakerSpace mobile cart
Thurs 10/24: Peer Tutoring Day
12pm – 3pm, Manchester Plaza – Rebound from Setbacks: Academic Resources and Resilience Carnival
Fri 10/25: Office of Academic Advising Day
1pm – 3pm, Reynolda Hall just outside Suite 125 – Trivia & Games & Lots of Prizes
The Ultimate Study Experience
For the fall semester, CLASS is thrilled to host its Ultimate Study Experience, first introduced during Academic Resources Awareness Week in fall 2023.
Each time a student attends an ARAW event, their name will be entered to win our fall 2024 CLASS Ultimate Study Experience: a private study room, booked for the winner and up to four friends for 48 hours during fall exams. The CLASS staff will provide study tools and snacks.