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Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success
The Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success provides peer tutoring in most academic subjects at no cost to any undergraduate student. Tutoring is provided 9 a.m.- 10 p.m., seven days a week, depending on tutor availability. To meet with a tutor, please visit our website. Contact Laura Denlinger ( if you have questions.

The Writing Center
The Writing Center offers students both synchronous and asynchronous opportunities to discuss writing and the writing process with trained peer tutors. To schedule an appointment, please visit the Writing Center website.

The Math & Stats Center
The Math & Stats Center offers peer tutoring for students who are enrolled in classes in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. To meet with a tutor, please visit the Math and Stats Center website.

The Chemistry Center
Tutors are available to help students enrolled in CHM 111, 122, 123, and 223. To meet with a tutor, visit the Chemistry Center website for more instructions.
Tutoring will take place Sunday-Thursday 5-9. In addition, Supplemental Instruction (SI) leaders are available for all 100- and 200-level courses.
Additional Tutoring and Academic Support
- The Biology Center – The Biology Department, in collaboration with CLASS, offers peer tutoring drop in sessions for BIO 150. The BIO Center is open Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm and Saturday and Sunday from 11am-1pm. Winston Hall 114. The BIO Center is located in Winston Hall room 114. Email Alex Zolman ( with questions.
- The Computer Science Center – Tutors are available to help students enrolled in CSC 111, 112, and 221. Visit the Computer Science Center website for more information.
- The School of Business – Tutors are available for help sessions in Accounting 111 on Sundays and Wednesdays from 6-8pm in Farrell Hall 247. You can expect 2 TAs available between those hours to answer any questions. Students can find more information on the first page of the course syllabus.
- The Physics Tutoring Center provides help sessions for PHY 110,113 and 114 in Olin 102 from 5-9 pm M-Th. Contact Carrie Munson ( if you have questions.
- Engineering Learning & Support Center hosts open study hours Mondays 5-8 pm, Tuesdays 6-8 pm, Wednesdays 5-8:30 pm, and Thursdays 6-8 pm. Drop in sessions are held in Tribble B013. Email with questions.
- The Spanish Department offers tutoring on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm in 317 Greene and Fridays from 12:30 to 2:30pm in 317 Greene.
- Prof. Miller also offers Spanish support every Tuesday from 2pm-4pm in Luter Hall. This is open to any student.
- Technology Consultants are students who are passionate about technology. They are first tier support for students who might need assistance with a digital project such as a digital essay, podcast, storymap project, website design, and video production and editing techniques. They also offer support for Google Drive, Canvas, Adobe Creative Cloud, Wake Sites, Kaltura and manage scheduling of the One Button video production studio. The Technology Consultants are scheduled in the ZSR Mac Lab from 5 -11 p.m. Mon-Thurs. To schedule an appointment contact Brianna Derr (
- ZSR Library offers personal research sessions where students can meet one-on-one with a librarian at any stage of the research process. Librarians can help students develop a research topic and find sources for a research paper or project, including books, scholarly articles, primary sources, data, and more. They can also provide guidance on citing sources and help students install and use Zotero (a free, library-supported citation management tool). Find your librarian and book a research appointment here!
- The Speaking Center provides speech preparation assistance to students in the public speaking course (COM 110) and other course related oral presentations, as well as for speaking engagements outside the classroom. To schedule an appointment, visit the Speaking Center website for more instructions.
- The School of Professional Studies – Peer tutors may be paired with SPS students in asynchronous or in-person sessions depending on subject, availability, and geographic location. Students interested in signing up for a peer tutoring session should contact Students interested in being a Peer Tutor should complete the SPS Volunteer Interest Form.