Examples of Accommodations
Below are some examples of accommodations that may be useful for students with disabilities to improve access to course content and inclusion in classroom activities.
- Audio, Brailled or electronic-formatted lecture notes, handouts, and texts
- Verbal descriptions of visual aids
- Raised-line drawings and tactile models of graphic materials
- Braille lab signs and equipment labels, auditory lab warning signals
- Adaptive lab equipment (e.g., talking thermometers and calculators, light probes, and tactile timers)
- Computer with optical character reader, voice output, Braille screen display and printer output
- Seating near the front of class
- Large print handouts, lab signs, and equipment labels
- Class assignments made available in electronic format
- Other assistive technology
Please see information about our services available for assistive technology
Please refer to our resource for supporting Blind and Low Vision Students in the Classroom.
- Sign language interpreter, FM system, notetaker
- Open or closed-captioned films, use of visual aids
- Written assignments, lab instructions, demonstration summaries
- Visual warning system for lab emergencies
- Use of email for class and private discussions
Please see information about our services available for assistive technology
Please refer to our resource for supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in the Classroom.
- Software for note-taking assistance
- Extended time on tests and exams
- Low-distraction testing environment
- Priority Seating in the classroom
Please see information about our services available for assistive technology.
- Note taker / lab assistant
- Classrooms, labs, and field trips in accessible locations
- Accessible furniture and equipment made available
- Class assignments made available in electronic format
- Computer equipped with special input device/assistive technology (e.g., voice input, alternative keyboard
Please see information about our services available for assistive technology.
- Note taker or audio recorder for lectures
- Attendance considerations/plans for absences due to unpredictable symptom exacerbations or flares.
- Extended time for tests and exams
- Assignments made available in electronic format; use of email to facilitate communication
Please see more suggestions about how to support students with the following chronic medical condition, health impairment, or psychological disability:
Occasionally, students with disabilities may be approved for accommodations that allow for the recording of classroom lectures or classroom attendance consideration. Below are some resources that provide more specific information and guidance regarding these specific reasonable accommodations: